Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb, are the seeds of the fruit from Rudraksha trees. Rudraksha trees are found mainly in Indonesia, Nepal, and India. There are clefts on the surface of the beads which are used to characterize the beads. For example, a five facet Rudraksha bead has five clefts on it (shown below on the left). A ten facet Rudraksha bead has ten clefts on it (shown below on the right).
Rudraksha beads are available with 1 to 38 facets. Beads with 1 and 15 to 38 facets are rare. The 5 facet bead is commonly available and thus the most popular due to its effectiveness and economical cost. Yogis wear necklaces called malas (Sanskrit for garland) which typically consist of 108 five facet Rudraksha beads and a larger "meru" bead. The tassled "meru" bead is symbolic of the transcended state, and indicates the beginning and end of a cycle. Malas consist of 108 Rudraksha beads because according to Vedic literature, Brahmand (the universe) is made up of 108 elements.
The beneficial powers of Rudraksha beads have been known in Asia for ages and are well documented in traditional and contemporary literature. Due to increasing popularity of Rudraksha malas with the general populace in India, scientific studies have been undertaken in recent years to determine just how Rudraksha Healing works. One of the best known research papers was published by Dr. Suhas Roy of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Banaras, India.
Dr. Roy's research confirmed that the healing powers of Rudraksha beads flow from their electro-magnetic properties. When Rudraksha beads are placed over the heart, they act to stabilize the heart beat. Similar to magnets, the beads work on the principle of Dynamic Polarity. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induce a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart region. Depending on the polarity and intensity of this induced magnetic field, Rudraksha beads transmit subtle electrical and inductive impulses with opposing polarity and intensity. Accordingly, a proportionate balancing force is exerted on the heart to regulate it if it starts beating above or below normal rates. This action helps to ensure ideal blood circulation in the body.
The human body is a complex bio-electronic circuit comprised of the Central Nervous System and the organs and functions it regulates.
Rough Pattern of current induced by magnetic field in the body. | Red shows highest induced currents, Blue the lowest. | Rough Pattern of current induced by electric field in the body. |
Streamlined blood flow has a powerful rejuvenating impact on this circuit and serves to prevent stress-related disorders caused by the damaging effects of excess energy on neurons and neurotransmitters. In essence, Rudraksha beads help bring about the well-known "relaxation response" which is the ultimate goal of meditation, yoga, tai chi, biofeedback, and countless other Alternative Medicine methodologies.
Questions & Answers About RudrakshaQ: What are Rudraksha beads? Where are they available?
A: Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb, are the seeds of the fruit from Rudraksha trees. Rudraksha trees are found mainly in Indonesia, Nepal, and India.
Q: What is special about Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads have been traditionally worn by Asian Yogis and Monks because the beads interact with the body and mind to foster the tranquility and concentration necessary for control over mind during extended periods of meditation. Modern medical research has proven that Rudraksha beads have electro-magnetic properties that have a beneficial influence on the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems.
Q: What are the different types of Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads are available with 1 to 38 facets. Beads with 1 and 15 to 38 facets are rare. The 5 facet bead is commonly available and thus the most popular due to its effectiveness and economical cost. While all Rudraksha beads exhibit the same electro-magnetic properties which have positive impact on overall health, ancient texts have identified additional influences of facets:
A: You can wear any combination of beads. The individual powers of the beads can be felt simultaneously.
Q: Can Rudraksha cause harm?
A: Rudraksha beads do not have harmful attributes. They only have a positive influence on the body and mind.
Q: Do Rudraksha beads have Anti-Aging properties?
A: Yes. Aging is the process of cell decay. Free radicals are significant contributors to the decay of the body's cells. Free radicals are molecules that lack the appropriate electrons to be stable. In order to gain stability, they swipe electrons from other molecules such as DNA, protein, and fat. When these molecules lose electrons, they in turn become unstable and seek to take electrons from other molecules. This chain reaction destroys enzymes and produces toxic chemicals which cause damage to cellular functions associated with aging.
The electro-magnetic properties of Rudraksha beads are especially valuable when worn over the heart. As the blood circulates through the heart, it carries free radicals through the electro-magnetic field produced by the Rudraksha mala. This field neutralizes free radicals so that they again become stable molecules. In this manner, the aging process is slowed. Finally, the "relaxation response" fostered by Rudraksha beads reduces the negative impact of stress on the body. Stress serves as a catalyst for free radicals. By helping to control stress, Rudraksha beads slow the production of free radicals.
Q: Is there scientific basis behind the healing power of Rudraksha beads?
A: Yes. One of the best known research papers was published by Dr. Suhas Royof the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Banaras, India. Please visit our References section to review an extensive listing of Rudraksha related books, articles, and research papers.
Q: How long do Rudraksha beads take to heal and rejuvenate the body?
A: You will normally experience positive changes within 45 days of wearing a Rudraksha mala on a daily basis. In 90 days you will feel healthier and more peaceful. From then onwards, your body will experience ongoing benefits as the Rudraksha beads maintain equilibrium and neutralize the negative effects of stress.
Q: How can you test the authenticity of Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads should sink in water. However fake beads can also be designed to sink in water. The best assurance is to procure your Rudraksha from a reliable source.
Kesusasteraan kesehatan itu tidak memiliki definisi yang luas mengenai pemijatan. Sebuah kamus kesehatan dari 1880, memberikan tentang : “pemijatan”, dari Greek,artinya meremas berarti memijat.
Acupressure uses stationary, holding pressure to apply pressure to the body to regulate body functioning. No oils are used; you may wear loose clothes during the treatment. Acupressure treatments help to relieve pain and improve organ function. The whole body benefits. It can be used on its own as a relaxing yet effective treatment for pain, organ dysfunction, pregnancy issues, stress relief and other disorders. Acupressure may also be used in conjunction with other treatments strategies. For example, many of our patients enjoy a short Acupressure treatment after having acupuncture. THERAPY of ACCUPRESSURE
A: Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb, are the seeds of the fruit from Rudraksha trees. Rudraksha trees are found mainly in Indonesia, Nepal, and India.
Q: What is special about Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads have been traditionally worn by Asian Yogis and Monks because the beads interact with the body and mind to foster the tranquility and concentration necessary for control over mind during extended periods of meditation. Modern medical research has proven that Rudraksha beads have electro-magnetic properties that have a beneficial influence on the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems.
Q: What are the different types of Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads are available with 1 to 38 facets. Beads with 1 and 15 to 38 facets are rare. The 5 facet bead is commonly available and thus the most popular due to its effectiveness and economical cost. While all Rudraksha beads exhibit the same electro-magnetic properties which have positive impact on overall health, ancient texts have identified additional influences of facets:
One Face: Success, power, and glory.
Two Face: Concentration and romantic fulfillment.
Three Face: Good health and higher education.
Four Face: Improved health, intellect and happiness.
Five Face: Fulfillment of desires and enlightenment.
Five Face: Fulfillment of desires and enlightenment.
Six Face: Improved physical strength and prowess.
Seven Face: Increased intuitive knowledge and honor.
Eight Face: Obstacles to happiness removed.
Nine Face: Wealth, happiness and contentment in family.
Ten Face: Protection from black magic and promotion of good health .
Eleven Face: Happiness in marriage and longevity.
Twelve Face: Prosperity, bliss, and spiritual knowledge.
Q: Can I wear a combination of different facet Rudraksha beads?Seven Face: Increased intuitive knowledge and honor.
Eight Face: Obstacles to happiness removed.
Nine Face: Wealth, happiness and contentment in family.
Ten Face: Protection from black magic and promotion of good health .
Eleven Face: Happiness in marriage and longevity.
Twelve Face: Prosperity, bliss, and spiritual knowledge.
A: You can wear any combination of beads. The individual powers of the beads can be felt simultaneously.
Q: Can Rudraksha cause harm?
A: Rudraksha beads do not have harmful attributes. They only have a positive influence on the body and mind.
Q: Do Rudraksha beads have Anti-Aging properties?
A: Yes. Aging is the process of cell decay. Free radicals are significant contributors to the decay of the body's cells. Free radicals are molecules that lack the appropriate electrons to be stable. In order to gain stability, they swipe electrons from other molecules such as DNA, protein, and fat. When these molecules lose electrons, they in turn become unstable and seek to take electrons from other molecules. This chain reaction destroys enzymes and produces toxic chemicals which cause damage to cellular functions associated with aging.
The electro-magnetic properties of Rudraksha beads are especially valuable when worn over the heart. As the blood circulates through the heart, it carries free radicals through the electro-magnetic field produced by the Rudraksha mala. This field neutralizes free radicals so that they again become stable molecules. In this manner, the aging process is slowed. Finally, the "relaxation response" fostered by Rudraksha beads reduces the negative impact of stress on the body. Stress serves as a catalyst for free radicals. By helping to control stress, Rudraksha beads slow the production of free radicals.
Q: Is there scientific basis behind the healing power of Rudraksha beads?
A: Yes. One of the best known research papers was published by Dr. Suhas Royof the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Banaras, India. Please visit our References section to review an extensive listing of Rudraksha related books, articles, and research papers.
Q: How long do Rudraksha beads take to heal and rejuvenate the body?
A: You will normally experience positive changes within 45 days of wearing a Rudraksha mala on a daily basis. In 90 days you will feel healthier and more peaceful. From then onwards, your body will experience ongoing benefits as the Rudraksha beads maintain equilibrium and neutralize the negative effects of stress.
Q: How can you test the authenticity of Rudraksha beads?
A: Rudraksha beads should sink in water. However fake beads can also be designed to sink in water. The best assurance is to procure your Rudraksha from a reliable source.
Pengertian dari Pemijatan Menurut Para Ahli
Posted on28 February 2010.
William Murrel (1853-1912) dari Edinburg dan London, menulis dalam waktu yang sama. Kurang umum dan lebih jelas ketika ia mendefinisikanpemijatan yaitu “bentuk ilmiah dari sesuatu yang menyenangkan dalam bentuk penyakit tapi jelas sebenarnya kebutuhan untuk sebuah sistem di dalam penggunaannya. Bagian pengertian dari pemijatan tidak terbatas. Pada waktu yang sama. Douglas Graham dari Boston, menulis tahun 1884-1918, mengatakan pemijatan ” sebuah syarat yang secara umum diterima oleh dokter Eropa dan Amerika untuk menandai prosedur kelompok yang biasanya menggunakan tangan,seperti pergesekan, meremas, manipulasi, mengguling, dan mengetuk jaringan eksternal tubuh dalam berbagai macam cara, salah satunya dengan menyembuhkan, meringankan atau menurut objek ilmu kesehatan. Douglas Graham lebih lanjut daripada Murrnell (dalam mengenai adanya keinginan syarat sebuah definisi) dan terbatas pada tangan, meliputi permukaan jaringan eksternal dan objektif menjadi menyembuhkan meringankan dan menurut ilmu kesehatan.
E.A.G Kleen dari swedia, sejaman dengan Graham membatasi area meliputi jaringan lunak. Alber Hoffa (1859-1907) dari jerman, juga membatasi cara pemijatan pada tangan tapi lebih mencakup pada dasar kegunaannya. Dia menambahkannya ke semua prosedur mekanikal yang bisa menghilangkan penyakit.
Pada waktu yang sama, J.B. Zabludowski dar jerman (1851-1906) juga membatasi cara pada tangan tapi lebih spesifik, kecakapan mengenggam tangan, cekatan dan secara sistematik diberikan pada tubuh. Sementara membatasi gerakan kecakapan mengenggam tangan, Zabludowski mangakui penggunaan system.
C. Herman Bucholz, dia tidak menyebutkan tangan dan cara yang lain pada rekomendasi manipulasinya pada jaringan lunak untuk tujuan terapeutik.
Even James B. Mannel (1880-1957), yang memberikan kontribusi besar telah membuat ilmu pemijatan sampai sekarang. Walaupun ia tidak memberikan definisi normal.
Pada 1932, John S. Coulren (1885-1949), berkata “Pemijatan manipulasi termasuk manipulasi dari jaringan dan organ tubuh untuk tujuan terapeutik.
Pada 1952 Gertrude Beard. Pemijatan adalah syarat yang digunakan untuk menandakan beberapa manipulasi jaringan lunak tubuh. manipulasi ini lebih efektif dilaksanakan dengan tangan dan dilakukan dengan tujuan menghasilkan efek pada nervus, muscular, dan sistem respirasi dan sirkulasi darah local, general dan limpa.
Informasi Lain yang Berkaitan: of "JINGLUO FINGER"
According the "Jingluo Theory" that is consistent with the theory of modern accupressure, our fingers connect with millions of nerves. When used as accupressure masage tool by press / rotate it, rudraksha stimulate the nerves that work the maximum, consequently our body free from any diseases like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, stiff, stress, headaches, maintain sharp memory, etc.
Chinese Medicine Jing Luo theory
Like acupuncture Chinese Massage is based on the theory of jing luo or channels and collaterals. According to this theory the body is networked by a system of pathways which function to transport qi and blood, to regulate yin and yang, to protect against external pathogens and to link the internal organs with the exterior. Blockage of the jing luo causes pain and is intimately connected with all health problems.
Chinese Massage is primarily focused on the jing luo and on xue (acupoints) where qi gathers and can be easily manipulated. Massage techniques are understood to affect the jing luo by:
activating qi and blood ( in the sense of increasing its activity)
regulating qi and blood ( in the sense of dispersing stagnation and guiding counterflow)
dredging the channels ( in the sense of removing external pathogens like cold and damp)
Massage also relaxes the jin (refers to the function of all soft and connective tissue in relation to movement and flexibility) to ease spasm and increase flexibility and straightens the joints. Both jin and joints closely affect the flow of qi in the jing luo.
What is particularly interesting is that these effects create movement in one form or another. Since in TCM terms pain is simply a lack of free flow of qi and blood, this is why Chinese Massage is such a powerful treatment for pain.
Chinese Medicine Accupressure
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique based on the same ideas as acupuncture. Acupressure involves placing physical pressure by hand, elbow, or with the aid of various devices on different acupuncture points on the surface of the body. The treatments aim to improve body functioning and to relieve pain as well as discomfort.
Acupressure uses stationary, holding pressure to apply pressure to the body to regulate body functioning. No oils are used; you may wear loose clothes during the treatment. Acupressure treatments help to relieve pain and improve organ function. The whole body benefits. It can be used on its own as a relaxing yet effective treatment for pain, organ dysfunction, pregnancy issues, stress relief and other disorders. Acupressure may also be used in conjunction with other treatments strategies. For example, many of our patients enjoy a short Acupressure treatment after having acupuncture.
Acupressure therapy is beneficial for a wide variety of conditions including:
- Anxiety and depression Headaches
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Digestive problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Insomnia
- Menstrual problems
- Migraines
- Muscle tension and spasm
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Repetitive strain injuries
Rudraksha beads can break down lactic acid causes fatigue becomes Adenosine Triphosphat as energy sources.When we are a lot of activity, adenosine triphosphat used by the body as energy so that successively transformed into diphosphat adenosine, adenosine monophosphat and last lactic acid. When lactic acid builds up in muscle tissue, your body becomes weak and tired. By massaging the body with beads have engraved countour, lactic acid is transformed back into adenosinetriphosphat. The body feels refreshed ready to indulge.